Saturday, April 7th: FREE Joint Affiliate WOD at War Memorial Track, 9:00am

Kaye Whitney, Founder of CrossFit Upcountry MauiOur Saturday WOD for this week will be a joint local affiliate WOD to honor Kaye Whitney, founder of CrossFit Upcountry Maui.

Maui affiliates, CrossFitters and fitness enthusiasts are invited to a free, joint workout to honor Kaye Whitney, who died March 9. Come together as one to show solidarity, no matter what your affiliate, fitness level or exercise background. Life is short; let’s glean the positives from Kaye, from the beautiful island environment that we’re called to care for, and from the close-knit community where we know one another by name. Let’s remember the past and move forward to cultivate an even healthier Maui.

WHEN: 9 a.m. Saturday, April 7
WHERE: The War Memorial Track & Field

Our WOD for Saturday will be: Kaye’s WOD:

400 m run
50 squats
40 sit ups
30 DUs
20 push ups
10 lunges
20 push ups
30 DUs
40 sit ups
50 squats
400 m run

For information, contact Kehau Deutsch at