Monday, July 14, 2014


Kit: Day One (left) in early 2013; Kit doing Murph on July 4, 2014

>> remember why you CrossFit.

It’s easy to get distracted by competition, by comparison, by self-criticism. But the fact is: We are CrossFitting because it yields a healthier body and mind. Look back at where you were when you started; note where you are now. Can you run faster? Do a double-under? Jump higher? Do a pull-up? Are you leaner? Are you happier? Are you stronger? Are you more well-rounded? Do you have more energy? Do you feel more capable? We believe in the program — and we encourage you to take a moment to celebrate showing up each day, working hard and accomplishing things that seemed tough on Day One of your individual journey. This commitment to health is your own. Be stoked on your milestones — each one is a sign of progress!

071414 WOD

A. 4:00 Tabata

Alternating double-unders

Parallette shoot-throughs

B. Front squat – linear week 3

3 x 5

Add 10# to week 2

C. For time:

50 double-unders

25 hang full cleans (135/95)

50 double-unders

25 toes-to-bar

50 double-unders

>> On-Ramp

100 single-unders

15 hang power cleans

100 single-unders

15 v-ups / tucks

100 double-unders