Tuesday, May 26, 2015

photo(930)Murph 2015: We loved the patriotic colors and the push! Mahalo to everyone who came out to commemorate our fallen service members, who gave their lives so we can enjoy freedom. And shoutout to our CrossFit Upcountry athletes who completed “Murph” for the first time!

052615 WOD

A. EMOM 6:00

Min 1: Row 150 meters

Min 2: Run 100 meters

Min 3: 10 hollow to arch turns to left; 10 hollow to arch turns to right

B. Take 10 minutes to find max standing broad jump distance

C. Every 3:00 for 15:00

Run 200 meters

10 box jumps (24/20)

15 Russian kettlebell swings (70/53)

C. Mobility

2:00 / side: rollout on quads with barbell or foam roller

1:00 / side: couch stretch