Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2015

IMG_1280(1)Coach Korey adds some resistance to Ha’a’s front plank. No big deal.

112415 WOD

A. EMOM 9:00

Min 1: 0:30-0:45 slam balls

Min 2: 0:30-0:45 leg raises

Min 3: 0:30-0:45 handstand hold

B. Press – week 4 | month 1 [ DELOAD ]

40% x 5

50% x 5

60% x 5

Subset with 3 x ME supine rows

C. AMRAP 9:00

3 power cleans (135/95)

3 push-ups

3 air squats

6 power cleans

6 push-ups

6 air squats

9, 9, 9, 12, 12, 12, etc.; adding three reps with each round. Score is last completed round plus additional reps.

>> On-Ramp

Modifications will be offered at the gym