Wednesday, July 27, 2016

IMG_7742IMG_7741Always great to have these OG’s visit!

072716 WOD

A. 8:00 OTM

Even: 150-meter row or 100-meter run

Odd: 10-20 hollow rocks

B. Three rounds:

8-10 supine rows @40×1

Rest 45 seconds

8-10 dumbbell push press @30×1

Rest 45 seconds

5-10 strict supinated grip pull-ups @30×1

Rest 45 seconds

3-5 V-ups to candlesticks @3011

Rest 45 seconds

C. Seven rounds for time:

7 overhead squats (95/65)

7 burpees


Seven rounds for time:

7 overhead squats with PVC or airsquats

7 modified burpees

Courtesy of Invictus

*compare to 062215