Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016

img_8774Coach Emily is such a stud! Here she is taking the Kamehameha Schools Maui campus girls softball team through strength and conditioning drills at the Pukalani facility. Coach Kevin O’Brien was watching; he said she’s doing a great job!

120316 WOD

A. AMRAP 10:00 with teams of two:

100-meter med ball carry (switch at 50)

20 med ball sit-ups (10/person)

20 partner wall balls

20 med ball passes (partners stand apart one horse stall mat in width)

B. Mobility / movement prep

C. For time:

400-meter run

30 American kettlebell swings

400-meter run

30 v-ups

400-meter run

30 push-ups

400-meter run

30 med ball cleans (20/14)

>> On-Ramp

Perform half of all reps and run