Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2017

We are stoked to have Chris and Krystle back at home! Plus, baby Mason (background) isn’t a baby anymore. He’s a hammah! 

011917 WOD

A. Three sets of:

Hamstring curl with med ball x 12 reps

Rest 60 seconds

Farmers carry x 50 meters

Rest 60 seconds

Prone plank hold x 60 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

B.  15:00 AMRAP

50-foot bear crawl

5 strict pull-ups

50-foot walking lunges

5 strict handstand push-ups

Run 200 meters or row 250 meters after every third round is completed; record rounds and reps, not including run.

>> On-Ramp

15:00 AMRAP

25-foot bear crawl

5 ring rows

25-foot walking lunges

5 L-seated dumbbell presses

Run 100 meters or row 150 meters after every third round is completed; record rounds and reps, not including run.