Saturday, December 2, 2017

Congratulations on all of your November PR’s! We saw many deadlift PR’s today. Be sure to write them on the PR board so we can celebrate with you!

120217 WOD
A. AMRAP 10:00 with teams of two:

100-meter med ball carry (switch at 50)

20 med ball sit-ups (10/person)

20 partner wall balls

20 med ball passes (partners stand apart one horse stall mat in width)

B. Mobility / movement prep

C. For time:

400-meter run

30 American kettlebell swings

400-meter run

30 v-ups

400-meter run

30 push-ups

400-meter run

30 med ball cleans (20/14)

>> On-Ramp

Perform half of all reps and run