Tuesday, May 5, 2021

050421 WOD

A. In 8 minutes, work up to a challenging hang power snatch x1

Then, take 80% of that weight and, every 1:30 for 4 sets, complete:

1 hang power snatch + 2 OHS

B. For time, in teams of 2, complete the following:

50 double unders unbroken (each athlete)

**unbroken penalty: non-working athlete performs 4 pistols (2/side) whenever there is a break in reps** (sub lunges)

40 hang snatches (95/65)

**non-working athlete has barbell in hang position**

30 t2b

**non-working athlete hanging off bar**

20 synchro OHS (95/65)

**must be at the top and bottom of squat at the same time**

Time cap: 13 minutes

>> Scaled option: 

For time, in teams of 2, complete the following:

100 singles  (each athlete) Does not have to be unbroken

**if you try up on a rep: non-working athlete performs 4 lunges (2/side) whenever there is a break in reps**

40 hang snatches (stay light)

**non-working athlete has barbell in hang position**

30 hanging tucks or sit-ups 

**non-working athlete hanging off bar**

20 synchro OHS (stay light or sub goblet squats)

**must be at the top and bottom of squat at the same time**

Time cap: 13 minutes