Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014

photo(757)Two Kyles are better than one. Kyle S. on the left; Kyle A. on the right.

102914 WOD

A. Three rounds NFT

Run 100 meters

5 kips

10 hollow rocks

15 consecutive double-unders / 30 consecutive singles (every time you miss, do three burpees)

5:00 time cap

B. Press

70% x 3

80% x 3

90% x 3+

Subset with 3 x 10 strict pull-ups (if 10 is too easy — do weighted)

C. For time:

500-meter row

40 wall balls (20/14) to 10′ target

30 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

20 chest-to-bar pull-ups

10 strict handstand push-ups

Heats will start every 3:00

>> On-Ramp

For time:

500-meter row

40 dumbbell thrusters / air squats

30 Russian kettlebell swings

20 ring rows

10 modified HSPU



HALLOWEEN SCHEDULE: Due to Halloween on Friday, we will have no evening classes. Costumes are encouraged for morning classes. Best costume will win a free CFUM T-shirt or tank top.