Thursday, May 26, 2016


052616 WOD

A. Three rounds of the following:

0:30 KB oblique side bends (switch sides at 15-second mark)

0:30 rest

0:30 double-unders or single-unders

0:30 rest

0:30 Russian twists

0:30 rest

B. With 3:00 on the clock:

Run 200 meters

15 box jumps (24/20)

10 American kettlebell swings (20/14) to 10′

Max reps med ball sit-ups (20/14)

Complete four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Record sit-ups.

>> On-Ramp

With 3:00 on the clock:

Run 100-200 meters

15 step-ups

10 Russian kettlebell swings

20 sit-ups

Complete four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Record sit-ups

C. Cash out

4:00 Tabata

Glute hip bridges

D. Mobility

Hamstring smash with lacrosse ball on box

(1:30 / side)

Lat mob with foam roller

(1:30 / side)