Coach Kaye to Judge at Hawaii CrossFit Sectionals This Weekend!
The CrossFit Games are coming up on July 16-18 in Aromas, California. As you can imagine, these games are the ultimate test of complete fitness, and there are some seriously fit humans who make it to the top tiers of these competitions.
To be selected for the Games, CrossFitters everywhere are competing in sectional, and then regional competitions to see if they qualify for the big final in July. To learn more about the CrossFit games, there is a great description here.
Based upon the performances on O’ahu at the Hawai’i Sectionals this weekend, the Hawai’i section is able to send 3 men and 3 women to the SouthWest Regionals, coming up in early May. At the SouthWest Regionals, only 4 men and 4 women will go on to compete in the finals.
The competition this weekend is tough, and our very own Coach Kaye will be there as one of the official judges! As a judge, she watches closely to make sure that every move is done with the right form. Click here to see the WODs that our local men and women will be doing. Survival of the fittest! May the best women/men from Hawai’i win!