The Box is Booming! Tues, Dec 28
So much for New Years Resolutions! It was so great to see the masses turning out today.
We have a lot of new things coming in the new year… more classes…. more equipment…. more clinics…. retesting in all the major lifts for a new 1 rep max…. and more new members! The next Basics class will be offered the week of January 10. Please contact us for more information.
A huge welcome back to Charlie from RiverTown CrossFit in Snohomish, WA. And Monday he brought his brother, Whitney, who is responsible for Charlie getting into CrossFit last April. Since then Charlie has been doing four CrossFit classes a week and following a moderate paleo diet. Today Charlie is 90 pounds lighter than when he started last spring. Way to go Charlie! And Whitney came out to get good and gassed on his wedding day! Whitney’s ceremony was scheduled for Monday on the beach in Wailea at sunset. Congratulations Whitney!
Warm Up;
5 “Man On Fire” burpees. Wait till you see these! And yes, you can thank Jor for them!!
Then 3 rounds of: 5 dead hang pull ups & 5 ring dips
WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
100m sprint (between rounds)
deadlifts (75% of 1RM)
box jumps (challenge yourself with a 24″ or the big tire if you can!)