Three More WODs till 2011! Wed, Dec 29
It appears by the crowds at the box that everyone is starting their new years resolutions early! And I am sure that after Wednesday’s WOD none of you will be bitching about your legs anymore! Yep, here comes one of our favorite upper body blasters!!
But first a couple of announcements.
• Don’t forget about the drawing this Friday at 9:00 AM! You could win a $100 gift card to lululemon!
• NEW CLASS starts next week! Wednesday’s at 5 PM!
• Paleo Challenge starts January 1st. For those who wish to participate we will weigh in and measure. If you need great recipe ideas don’t forget to check out the link on the left. This Foodee site is fabulous!!! I’m going to do it too, but I am NOT giving up the cream in my morning coffee. You guys would not want that, trust me.
Tuesday was another exciting day at the box with FOUR visitors! I felt extremely honored when the owner of Thames CrossFit in London, England, showed up for the 8:00 AM class. Jason, who is here vacationing with his wife and parents all the way from the UK, brought his mother along, Nancy, who works out at CrossFit Vallejo in the east San Francisco bay area. It was great watching Jason take Nancy through more skills after the WOD. At 9:00 AM we were graced with two Oahu CrossFit’ers, Kinau, from HardAss Fitness, and Christa, from CrossFit Oahu. Yep, those gals are getting some great coaching alright! It was wonderful having you. Welcome all and mahalo for coming to CrossFit UpCountry Maui!
So…. sore legs? Be careful what you whine about.
Wednesday’s workout:
Greg Amundsen warm up, then 3 rounds of:
100′ waiters walk (switch arms after 50′)
15 GHD back extensions
The WOD; 4 min AMRAP, 3 minute rest between rounds. Repeat for a total of four cycles;
10 ring dips (or dips)
10 true push ups—set up a box jump that is parallel to a set of paralletes. Feet on box and do push ups with chest breaking the plane of the paralletes. (Or regular push ups)
10 DB bench presses (35/25)
Remember the first time we did this WOD and someone said “We don’t need 3 minutes of rest between rounds!” Then after the second round everyone was asking “What happened to my arms?!?” And again, you can thank Jor for this one!
We got to sing Happy Birthday to Lisa Tuesday morning. She is not getting older. She is getting stronger!
She is making these 30″ tire jumps look so easy!