Christie’s Back!!! Fri, Jan 7
And how great it is to have her back in the box! And Christie is on fire! She took 2 minutes off her Jackie time from just a few weeks ago. We are thrilled to have you back Christie. You continue to raise the bar for all of us.
Thursday’s WODs were a hoot. Everyone got to draw their girls named WOD from the bucket and even though they might not have gotten the one they wanted they all persevered. And not a one of ’em complained about running in the rain! Probably because it is such a novelty.
Lot’s of new PRs were set for the bench press. Just a few that I personally witnessed: Dmitri hit 190 lbs, Amy A beat her PR by a good 20 lbs and Lisa added 10 lbs to her chart. Way to go everyone!
Fridays Workout:
Warm up: 15-10-5
• mountain climbers
• push ups
• squats
And finally! The new wall balls are here! Let’s break them in! We haven’t done this WOD since the track days….
The WOD: Kelly, 5 rounds for time;
400m run
30 box jumps
30 wall ball shots