Pineapple Field Run! Jan 31
Nicholas, a returning guest, misread the schedule and showed up after the group WOD. Things were pretty quite around the farm so we jumped into the pineapple fields and did Kill Hill. Well Nicholas did. When we opened the box in June I had a hunch they wouldn’t like us running up that hill but I knew forgiveness was going to be easier to get than permission. And soon enough we learned their “risk management team” did not like it. So that was the end of “Kill Hill!” Nonetheless, Nicholas got to enjoy it. He said he had no idea what a pineapple plant looked like until Saturday. “I thought maybe they grew on trees,” he said. Then he killed the WOD!
Warm Up: Foam rolling, plank hold variations, bottom to bottom squats
Deadlift: 3 sets of 5 repetitions (using folders as guide increase weight each set)
WOD: 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
100m sprint (last 50 uphill, all out)
DB swings