Greg Amundson Coming To Maui! Wed, Mar 23
CrossFit UpCountry Maui is to thrilled to announce Greg Amundson will be here May 21st to present his Goal Setting and Positive Self Talk Seminar. Ask anyone who has attended this seminar and they will tell you it is life altering. Here is our very own “Virtual Coach” Jor with Greg at his seminar at CrossFit Santa Clara this past January. As we all know Greg is considered the original CrossFit Firebreather and was one of Greg Glassman’s first beasts. Words simply cannot describe our excitement to host this man, and his wife Mallee, for a few days. Space will be limited so please sign up today!
The only people that don’t think it has been cold here lately are people from places like Alaska! We were honored to host Jim and his twin sons, Damon and Aaron, from Anchorage for our evening WOD. These guys rocked the box!
Wednesday’s Workout:
Warm up: 800m run around the basketball courts in Haliimaile Park.
WOD: 6 rounds for time;
100′ DB OH walking lunge (50′ each arm)
15 KB swings
10 push ups