The New Warm Up Program! Thurs, Mar 24
Lovely sight upon arrival for the 5 PM class Wednesday evening.
Getting the classes started on time has been the biggest challenge even long before we moved into our new location. But a fabulous new program will greet you when you arrive for the WOD and it will most definitely reward those who show up on time! This will also allow each individual athlete to tailor their programs so you are getting both the benefits of warming up and gaining strength and skills. Make sure you have your log books ready. You will be accountable for keeping track and getting a good mix of the following on an ongoing basis.
Warm Up “A”: Choose one:
1) 400m run
2) 500m row
3) 50 double unders
4) 3 rounds of Cindy
After completing the “A” warm up you will move on to Warm Up “B”: Choose one:
1) Dead hang pull ups 3 x 5 (Goal: 3 times per week!)
2) 50 air squats / 50 GHD sit ups
3) Handstand holds / HSPUs or: press, push press, push jerk (many variations available)
4) L-sits, L-hangs and K2E.
There are definitely two areas of conditioning that will take you much further much faster in CrossFit: Squats and presses. Of course the workout of the day will help you select the appropriate warm up for the day. Example; on a day the WOD is Cindy, you probably won’t pick option 4 in the “A” Warm Up!!
WOD: “Michael!” 3 rounds for time;
Run 800m
50 Back Extensions
50 sit ups