Back Online! Sat, May 7
Interrupted internet service gave the webmaster the day off Friday. Our apologies for those who missed their fix!
Saturday is the annual Craft Fair at Seabury Hall High School. Due to the many Seabury parents volunteering at the fair we are canceling the 9:00 AM class. Come early for the 8:00 AM so you can make it to the fair before the crowds. Make sure you send Dad’s and kids down to the lower school where there will be plenty of opportunities to make wonderful Mother’s Day gifts. You’ll find Sheila in the painted flower pots booth.
After the warm up we will spend 15 minutes building up to your new 1 rep max back squat.
WOD: AMRAP in 12 minutes;
100m sprint
10 back squats (50% – 60 % max)
5 medicine ball cleans