Greg Amundson Tomorrow! Fri, May 20
Greg Amundson and his wife, Mallee, will arrive Maui tonight! Greg will be presenting his Goal Setting and Positive Self Talk seminar at CrossFit UpCountry Maui Saturday afternoon. Registration begins at 2:00 PM with the seminar starting promptly at 2:30 PM.
We are excitedly making all the preparations for the seminar as well as our first year anniversary in our box in the pineapple farm. When the seminar ends at 5:30 PM the party begins! Drinks, pupus, live music, paleo buffet, demonstrations and dancing!
Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed having our guest coach, Gary, here again. Since he arrived Monday afternoon he hasn’t slowed down. Gary is one of those CrossFit coaches who’s enthusiasm for the program is infectious. He is a kind, compassionate coach but doesn’t let anyone get away with slacking! Gary is an energetic worker and this week would have simply been impossible to pull off without his help. Mahalo Gary! We love you!
WOD: AMRAP 20 minutes;
200m sandbag carry
15 squat cleans (115/85)
10 ring dips