Paleo Talk with Kinsey, This Monday at 6pm

Research indicates that exercise alone (without also eating a proper diet) only minimally affects weight loss. Further, physical appearance is due in great part to the foods that we consume on a daily basis. It’s no wonder that Mark Sisson says “You can’t exercise away a bad diet.”

This Monday, April 9th at 6:00PM-6:30PM-ish, Kinsey Jackson (Paleo Nutrition Consultant) will be giving a presentation on the Paleo Diet, explaining exactly how we can optimize our energy levels by eating the way that nature has intended. Despite your familiarity with the Paleo Diet, we encourage you to come on Monday to learn more about how eating the right foods is absolutely essential in your quest to look, feel, and perform your very best!

Monday will also be the last day to sign-up for the special 30 Day Paleo Challenge Kinsey is hosting in honor of Crossfit Upcountry Maui’s founder, Kaye Whitney. Kinsey is donating a portion of the proceeds back to the box to buy us some new equipment in honor of Kaye. This is a great opportunity to contribute to the box, while experiencing first-hand how amazing it feels to fuel your body with the foods that nature intended us to eat…it’s a win-win!

Click here to register for the 30 Day Paleo Challenge

You can get more information about Kinsey’s 30-day Paleo Challenges on her website: We look forward to seeing you this Monday at 6:00PM at the box!