Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sending a shout-out to our CFUM part-time CrossFitters: Tony and Cory from New York; Joan from Idaho; Matthew from Santa Fe; and Shay from California (a badass rower from California who competes at the national level). We love having you around, and we’ll be sad to see you leave Maui. Thankfully, most of you will be back again!

Here is the workout for Thursday, April 12, 2012

A. Skill / Strength make up

Take the first 20 minutes to stretch, make up missed lifts from the week, or work on a skill.



Three rounds:

Run 800 meters

50 Superman holds (instead of standard back extensions)

50 sit-ups

PROGRAMMING NOTE: If you’ve worked out M-T-W, you will do this workout NFT (not for time). If you haven’t worked out three consecutive days, you will do this for time. Thursday WODs will start promptly at the half hour mark; any skill / strength work must be completed before then.

HOUSEKEEPING NOTE: The bathroom key, which is now free from the baby-size kettlebell, is on the loose. It went missing between the hours of 6 and 9 a.m. Tuesday. If you see the key on the run (or in your gym bag, purse, etc.), please return it to its CFUM home (on the wall near the computer). Thank you!

Sheila, Matthew and Juli (6 a.m.)

Anders and Diane (5 p.m.)