Monday, April 23, 2012
Hitting the snooze button? Sleeping in? Lounging around the house? No, thanks — we’ll take prowler pushes. The Saturday crew came out in full force to tackle a crazy team workout that involved running, burpees, overhead squats and the prowlers. It was lots of fun to watch the action that day and throughout last week. Get ready for a fresh lineup of WODs and heavier weights on the linear lifts. Bring your game face!
* Special thanks to our CFUM OG Angie who gracefully led the yoga, or “stretching” (as one of our members liked to refer to it), portion of Saturday’s class.
Here’s a brief photo recap of Saturday:
Yoga warmup
Here’s the workout for Monday, April 23:
A. Strength
Back squat – linear week 3
Four rounds for time:
15 burpee wall balls
10 K2E
5 dips