Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Impressive work today, CFUM! It’s easy to whine about the rain, especially because we are spoiled with summer nearly year-round, yet many people around the world CrossFit in the rain, snow and other elements, in garages, in cold rooms, in hot rooms, with little equipment, with next to nothing. The mental fortitude of pushing through — even if the hardest part is just getting yourself to the box on a rainy day — carries over into all areas of life. Keep building strength: in mind, body and spirit.



Here’s the workout for Tuesday, April 24, 2012:

A. Skill

Power clean

This work will be performed to drill form only. PVC, 15-, 30- and 45-pound bars with 10-pound bumper plates will be used, and nothing greater in weight, for the purpose of today’s exercise.


50 DUs

50 air squats

50 jumping pull-ups

50 lunges

50 mountain climbers

50 sit-ups

50 star jumps

50 push-ups

* This is a spin on “Filthy Fifty” with fewer, and varied, movements. Tackle it like a chipper WOD.

I love the tone of the narrator in this YouTube demo: “This is the star jump.” Apparently, star jumps are very serious. No smiling during star jumps! We’ll be watching you!