Saturday, May 5, 2012
Whether the sun is shining or the rain is beating down, one thing’s for sure: Sweat is consistent at CFUM. Way to push through the elements today. We all know CrossFit prepares you for imperfect conditions — Keep training for the unknown and unknowable.
THIS SATURDAY: The Saturday 8 a.m. class will remain as scheduled. Don’t forget to head down to Raw Fitness Maui after 9 a.m. for the inaugural Spring Cleaning competition!
ALL THURSDAYS: Based on highest attended classes, Thursday’s schedule will be condensed to 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. classes only. We’re happy that many of you are taking Thursday as a rest day, according to CrossFit’s three-on, one-off training schedule. For others, it’s a chance to come in and make up missed lifts, work on skills and catch up with friends. The new Thursday schedule will be in effect starting this week.
The workout for Saturday, May 5, 2012:
…Will be announced at the gym. Start your weekend right!