Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Anders, Isaac, Sheila
Great Memorial Day turnout. As Russ echoed during our fifth round when it started to get tough, “Remember why you’re doing this.”
Get ready, CFUM! We have some exciting tests ahead. You have worked hard for about eight weeks on strength and skill work. We are testing your one-rep maxes in the press, deadlift and back squat on Wednesday. If you miss that day, come in on Thursday to make it up.
For Tuesday’s skill work, we are retesting your plank holds. You got a gauge of your max left, right and front planks a couple months ago, and now you’ll see your progress. We’ve watched many of you stay diligent with your daily core movements, so make sure to get your new max holds.
Here’s the workout for Tuesday, May 29, 2012:
A. Skill: Plank hold retesting
Max hold left
Max hold front
Max hold right
One minute rest between each movement. Write your holds down when you drop, and compare to April holds.
B. Metcon
In four minutes:
Run 400 meters
21 sit-ups
12 kettlebell swings (35 / 53)
AMRAP double-unders (sub singles)
One minute rest between rounds, with a total of four rounds. Score is total double unders, or single unders divided by three.
HOUSEKEEPING NOTE: Get ready to hit some exciting PRs. With your CrossFit totals coming up, we’ve implemented (or reinstated) the benchmark and gym records boards. Here, we’ll log your heaviest weights, your fastest benchmark WODs and other milestones. In addition to the gym records boards, we added a PR board, which is a great way to note your individual accomplishments, whether your first double-under, your first strict pull-up, your faster Annie time — anything! If it’s a record for you, we want it on the board. This board will be launched in June. The gym records board is open now — all you need is a verification from a coach and your score will be added. Let’s get some new front plank records up tomorrow!