Thursday, August 2, 2012

Coach Allen parts the sea of plank holds

Here’s the workout for Thursday, August 2, 2012:

A. Make up skill / strength

Take the first 20 minutes of class to make up missed lifts and/or skill work. We have three weeks left on linear, so stick with it!

B. Metcon

AMRAP 12 minutes:

50 double-unders

15 sit-ups

10 Russian kettlebell swings (53 / 35)

C. Cash out

Tabata tuck jumps


Let Ann Van Patten yoga you at 9 a.m. Thursdays at CFUM

SPECIAL YOGA CLASS AT 9 A.M. THURSDAYS AT CFUM THIS MONTH! Don’t miss Yoga for CrossFitters led by certified yoga instructor Ann Van Patten. The class kicks off today at 9 a.m. Bring your mat, leave your shoes and get ready for movements that will enhance your CrossFit performance and restore your flexibility and mobility.


CONGRATS to our awesome friend and coach Russ, who Wednesday night clocked a 2:32 Fran. Every rep was legit; coaches Kehau and Jason counted while Frank filmed and a few of our members hung out to watch. His verified time is badass. Amazing job, Russ! We have two syllables for that: CON3!