Monday, Sept. 3, 2012 – HOLIDAY SCHEDULE

Sand. Swim. Sweat.

North Shore beach WOD

Metcons included:

A) In 6:00 (teams of two)

Partner A sprints sand hill while Partner B performs air squats on incline. Switch after run. Score is total air squats.

– Rest 3:00 –

B. In 12:00 (in teams of three)

Partner A runs 200 meters backward, swims 200 meters and completes 20 burpees.

Partner B holds front, left or right plank while Partner C does sit-ups.

Partner C may only do sit-ups while Partner B holds plank.

When A finishes, each partner rotates. Score is total sit-ups.

– Rest 6:00 –

C. For time (in teams of two)

Partner wheelbarrow for 100 meters, switching at any time. Each must do walking lunges back to starting line. Time stopped when last partner crosses starting line.


Special thanks to our intern, Craig, who helped draft the workouts Friday. We sat for about an hour and laughed, devising what became the beach metcons. Let’s just say we’re glad we omitted the bear crawls.

Thanks also to Irene, Noah’s wife, who took all the pictures, and to Melissa’s friends and relatives at CF Maui Extreme who joined the workout with us. It was cool to see CrossFitters take over the beach Saturday in the name of community, fitness and fun.

Wouldn’t make it (through CF, life, lunges, etc…) without my teammate and best friend.


A condensed holiday schedule of ONE CLASS AT 8 A.M. MONDAY will be implemented due to Labor Day. Please spread the word. And don’t worry, we will be kind. Our legs, like yours, are toast from Saturday. Great work everyone!

Here’s the workout for Monday, Sept. 3, 2012:

WOD will be announced at the box at 8 a.m. A note explaining your new mini-strength cycle for September will be posted Tuesday.