Monday, Dec. 3, 2012


WAILUKU — CrossFit Kickball got real dirty at Keopuolani Park on Saturday night. Thanks to our great friends at Raw Fitness Maui, the community event was a big success, as CrossFitters from around the island were placed on random teams and went balls out with every inning. A good group from CFUM headed down the hill to play; four teams were created with more than a dozen CrossFitters per group. Kehau’s team, “Ball Busters,” came in first. Renee’s got second. Holly’s team came in third. And Frank and Anna’s team came in fourth. Peter I totally forgot what team you were on; sorry. Participants potlucked and hung out on the sidelines. A good time was had by all. Big mahalo again to Robert and Kristi for securing the field, bringing food and organizing the shenanigans. This community event will go down in the history books. (Additional photos posted on Facebook).

120312 WOD

A. Skill

Snatch – high hang

5 x 3

B. Metcon

For time:

Run 400 meters


Overhead squats (135/95)

Chest-to-bar pull-ups

Run 400 meters

C. Cash out

3 x 10 good mornings




PROGRAMMING NOTE: Now that we just finished an eight-week linear powerlifting cycle, we will deload for a month with technique-based Olympic weightlifting work. As you know, the clean and jerk and the snatch are some of the most skill-based movements that CrossFit incorporates; it’s much more important to stay light and focus on good form than go heavy and risk building bad habits. With that being said, we also encourage you to challenge yourself with the lifts and push past your comfort zone. The lifts are intimidating when many start; however, it has one of the lowest injury rates among high school sports, and when done properly promotes total body strength and explosive power. One of the biggest obstacles is getting comfortable with flinging weight around and ditching the bar. So be smart but don’t lift scared. Coaches are excited to see your progress. We did this a couple months ago and saw some beautiful lifts at the end of the series.

The lifts will progress as follows:


M-High hang snatch

W-Push jerk

F-High hang clean


M-Take 0ff snatch

W-Push jerk

F-Take off clean


M-Full snatch

W-Split jerk

F-Full clean


M-Full snatch

W-Split jerk

F-Full clean


Instead of skill work on Tuesdays, we will focus on strength, primarily building strict pull-ups and strict dips. We will post rep schemes and instructions tomorrow.


Thursdays remain open gym time for the first half hour of class. Please use this time wisely to work on your weightlifting technique and/or strength work. Keep tackling the exercises you hate the most.


After this Olympic weightlifting cycle, we will transition onto a longer percentage-based powerlifting strength cycle. It’s imperative that you have your estimated or true 1RM by the start of the series in January.