Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012

What is going on here? Is CrossFit a cult? Who is your leader? Imperial CrossFit’s Allen Velasco poses amid 9 a.m.’s cash out in one of the more hilarious photos we’ve seen. The Seattle box owner and coach extraordinaire will be here until Wednesday; and we’ve loved every second with our brown brother from another mother. Don’t leave, Allen. Just like Snuggie, we won’t let you go (Christmas party inside joke).

121112 WOD

A. Strength

1. Pull-ups

3 x ME // 3 x 5 weighted (+5#)

2. Dips

3 x ME // 3 x 5 weighted (+5#)

B. Metcon

“Air Force”

For time:

20 thrusters (95/65)

20 sumo deadlift high pulls

20 push jerks

20 overhead squats

20 front squats

* EMOM 4 burpees, starting at buzzer. Same barbell used throughout. Time cap: 20 minutes.