Monday, Jan. 21, 2013 – HOLIDAY
** REMINDER: A condensed holiday schedule of two classes (8 a.m. + 5 p.m.) will be held Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
012113 WOD
A. Group warmup
B. Stretch
C. Metcon
Four rounds for time:
400-meter run
6 pull-ups
12 burpees
21 sit-ups
Sheila, one of the speediest runners at CFUM, completed her first marathon Sunday, cheered along by husband Kimo and their kids. The Maui Oceanfront Marathon started in Wailea and ended near the Banyan Tree Park in Lahaina town. Sheila and Theresa, who also did the run, have been training together for weeks now, and their hard work paid off. Congratulations, ladies, on accomplishing the 26.2-mile feat!