Friday, Feb. 8, 2013

You know you’re at CF Upcountry, when . . .

Toby brings a coconut in from a run and uses it for wall balls


 020813 WOD

A. Buy in

AMRAP in 5:00

Partner A: 100-meter weighted run (45/25)

Partner B: 10 reverse lunges (5/side), 10 hollow rocks

Switching; score is rounds and reps

B. Strength

Deadlift – Wendler week 1, month 2

C. Metcon

AMRAP in 3:00

4 deadlifts (135/95)

3 power cleans

2 front squats

1 push press

Complete three rounds, resting 1:30 between each. Start subsequent rounds where you leave off. Score is total rounds and reps. Same barbell used throughout.



The CFUM legend who started it all celebrates her birthday today. We have Snuggie to thank for our daily dose of humor and hard work. Holly Snuggie is lightning fast, crazy strong and seems to be getting better and better — with no end in sight. We’re thankful to have her as our friend and unofficial mascot. CFUM wouldn’t be the same without you! Now enjoy your weighted runs (by request)…