Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013
We had 23 people at Monday’s 5 p.m. class. We’re stoked on the turnout, and thankfully we had two coaches on site. Ideally, classes are no larger than 12-15 per coach for optimal instruction, which is why we’re adding TWO evening classes soon. Dates will be announced in coming weeks. Spread the word about 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. sessions!
021213 WOD
A. Skill
Split jerk
Use racks to build up to your heaviest split jerk effort for the day. Work on technique, adding weight only with successful reps.
B. Metcon
In 3:30
Run 400 meters
12 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)
6 goblet squats (with same weight)
AMRAP toes-to-bar
Complete four rounds, resting 1:30 between each. Score is toes-to-bar total.
Here’s one of our favorite videos on gym etiquette, which includes a definition for “ghost riding,” created by CrossFit Oahu: