Wednesday, Feb 13, 2013


>> THURSDAY (Valentine’s Day): No yoga at 9 a.m. Namaste for understanding.

>> MONDAY (Presidents’ Day): Condensed holiday schedule of TWO classes: 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Did you know Presidents’ Day is plural and possessive? Neither did we. Luckily you have a former grammar Nazi doing the website and I checked. Rest easy tonight;)

021313 WOD

A. Buy in

6:00 Tabata

Alternating dead-hang pull-ups, double-unders

B. Strength

Press – Wendler week 2, month 2

C. Metcon

For time:

10 power cleans (115/75), 1 six-point burpee

9 cleans, 2 burpees

8 cleans, 3 burpees

7 cleans, 4 burpees

6 cleans, 5 burpees

5 cleans, 6 burpees

4 cleans, 7 burpees

3 cleans, 8 burpees

2 cleans, 9 burpees

1 clean, 10 burpees