Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013 – VALENTINE’S DAY
Love is overrated. War: Now that sounds more exciting. A last-minute battle of the sexes has been planned for your WOD today.
Here’s how it’s going down:
Show up at the box during regularly scheduled classes. Pick which modification you will use for the WOD (each modification must be followed exactly; no substitutions or alterations allowed). At the end of the day, we will look at the top male and female finishers in each category and assign a point for the male or female winner (any category with only one gender participating will be tossed out). The sex with the most points at the end of the day will be awarded bragging rights as the superior gender. Losing gender will pay in burpees next week. If there is a tie, a tie-breaker will be scheduled.
Happy competing! We are betting that CrossFit will takeĀ out Cupid any day.
021413 WOD
A. Make up skill / strength
B. Group stretch
C. Metcon
CrossFit Upcountry Battle of the Sexes
For time:
800-meter run
Five rounds of the triplet:
6 single-arm alternating DB snatches (30/50) (3/side)
9 knees-to-elbows
800-meter run
For time:
800-meter run
Five rounds of the triplet:
3 HSPU with 1 AbMat
6 single-arm alternating DB snatches (20/35)
9 v-ups
800-meter run
For time:
800-meter run
Five rounds of the triplet:
3 HSPU modified off feet with box
6 single-arm alternating DB snatches (15/25)
9 bar tucks
800-meter run
For time:
600-meter run
Five rounds of the triplet:
3 HSPU modified off knees with box
6 single arm alternating DB snatches (10/20)
9 sit-ups
600-meter run