Friday, Feb. 15, 2013
021513 WOD
A. Buy in
150 double-unders
EMOM 5 sit-ups
B. Strength
Deadlift – Wendler week 2, month 2
C. Metcon
AMRAP in 8:00
100-meter run
4 dead-hang pull-ups
5 clean and jerks (155/105) (full or power)
6 v-ups
If it weren’t for Melissa’s blazing fast RX score, and Anna’s second workout with a better time — both at the evening class — the sexes would’ve been locked in a tie for CFUM’s V-Day battle. Sorry, guys. You have some burpees coming at an undisclosed/date time next week. Great job to all who participated and showed Cupid that CrossFit is the best match for us all.
Here are the results:
RX – Melissa (12:42); Chris (13:06)
Modification A – Zack (11:45); Sheila (14:11)
Modification B – Anna (11:10); Kieran (12:10)
Modification C – Krystle (11:30); Kai (15:38)
In the spirit of LOVE and unity, though, here’s a heartwarming Valentine’s video we found on the website of our friend, Jeff Tucker. His coach wrote:
Valentine’s Day is all about the love. This video shows the love that makes the CrossFit community unlike anything else on the planet. Love you guys and girls, can’t wait to see you all again.