Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013
Jacob, a KKHS star basketball player, led his team to a history-making MIL season with an undefeated record for the Na Ali’i. The senior trained with us for months before his season started, and he credits CrossFit for helping his explosive strength and endurance. His team is heading to states this week, where they play Punahou on Thursday. Tune in to OC16 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday for championship coverage.
The achievement holds a special place in my heart, as Leimomi, Steph, Patty and I played basketball for KKHS, way back in 1996-2000. We competed against Renee and Tiff, the Seabury bullies who often pummeled us, especially in the key. Once Tiff and Renee graduated, we were favored to win MIL. But we did not. Sadly, we still relive our glory days — as the photo below illustrates. Thank God for Jacob, our chance at Na Ali’i REDEMPTION. Good job and good luck!!
Yes, we wore our jerseys to the box. For a WOD. Who does this? Losers!
Back when we could actually play. Sort of.
021913 WOD
A. Strength
Back squat – Wendler week 3, month 2 *
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
* This is your heaviest week of Wendler. Please scale back your metcons and listen to your body, viewing your strength work as the primary component of your “WOD.” If you haven’t been consistent, don’t add weight. CONFIDENT and experienced spotters required on max efforts.
B. Metcon
AMRAP in 5:00
5 burpee broad jumps
5 pull-ups
Rest 2:30
AMRAP in 5:00
20 double-unders
20 reverse lunges (10/side)
C. Cash out
Accumulate 4:00 in a front plank with fewest attempts