Wednesday, March 6, 2013
030613 WOD
A. Buy in
150 double-unders
EMOM: 3 toes-to-bar
Time cap: 5 minutes
B. Strength
Press – Wendler week 1, month 3
For the final Wendler cycle in this three-month series, ADD 5# to 1RM to find a new working weight. We will be testing your 1RM in the three lifts at the end of this month. Whether you are on Wendler or linear, stay consistent and track your progress.
C. Metcon
For time:
400-meter run
21 deadlifts (135/95) *
21 burpees
200-meter run
15 deadlifts
15 burpees
100-meter run
9 deadlifts
9 burpees
* I know some of you scoff at light weight, but this metcon is designed to be a sprint. Keep solid form and set your back each time, especially with high-rep deads.
Because Coach Jason signed up. And he’s only got one good foot to work with . . . What’s your excuse again?
OK, so the Harlem Shake has going viral for a couple months now, and it was only a matter of time before CrossFitters made their own version.
From what I gather, the Harlem Shake is a dance move, but it’s also a music video compilation where one person starts dancing crazy, then the scene cuts to a ton of people dancing crazy.
Apparently I have time to sift through about CrossFit YouTube videos to find the one that’s the least raunchy and most funny. With the video selection below, I appreciated the use of equipment, and the use of small children. If you have time, it’s worth YouTubing CrossFit Harlem Shake. There are some funny videos.
What do you think of the Harlem Shake? Stupid or hilarious? It definitely doesn’t compare to the international phenomena of Gangam Style. At least not yet . . .