Today marks the launch of two evening classes: 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. This schedule runs on normal class days. Check the website daily for last-minute schedule changes and other news.
Today marks the launch of two evening classes: 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. This schedule runs on normal class days. Check the website daily for last-minute schedule changes and other news.
030413 WOD
A. Buy in
4:00 Tabata
Alternating double-unders, dead-hang chin-ups
B. Strength
Back squat – Wendler week 1, month 3
STRENGTH NOTE: For the final Wendler cycle in this three-month series, ADD 10# to 1RM to find a new working weight. We will be testing your 1RM in the three lifts at the end of this month. Whether you are on Wendler or linear, stay consistent and track your progress.
C. Metcon
In 2:30:
200-meter sprint
3 full cleans (135/95)
5 push press
AMRAP sit-ups
Complete four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Same weight must be used for clean and push press. Score is sit-ups.
>> Compare to 042512
As I was searching through photo archives, I realized I only have static shots of Theresa (third from left). Why? Because she’s lightning fast. My shutter speed can’t handle it. I get a blur of bright colors every time Theresa’s out on a run. If you didn’t know, the athlete is an accomplished runner and paddler. She qualified for the Boston marathon and has multiple marathons under her belt. I’ll never forget the story Frank shares about the recent Hana Relay, where our very own CFUM masters women took No. 1 in their division and No. 3 in the women’s open division. He said he was trying to pace off a speedster, only to realize as he got closer that it was Theresa. He barely edged her out in the end. And that first leg was probably just a warmup for Theresa. We’re so proud of all your accomplishments, chica! Now hold still so we can get a photo . . .
The deadline to sign up for the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is Sunday. The first WOD will be announced Wednesday. You have between Wednesday and Sunday to complete the workout and get a coach to validate your score. The open runs five weeks.
CFUM Reason No. 757584584 to sign up for the Reebok CrossFit Games Open:
Because as soon as you sign up, you’ll stop getting stalked by yours truly. (Don’t you love these posts? They will continue through registration deadline.
To register: CrossFit Games Open registration