Thursday, April 4, 2013
Welcome Carlos, a new CFUM member who moved to Haliimaile from New Zealand, where he did CrossFit. Super nice guy!
040413 WOD
A. Make up skill / strength
Take the first 25 minutes of class to work on missed Olympic weightlifting work; load suggestions and rep schemes will be on the whiteboard.
B. Metcon
For time:
800-meter run
Then three rounds of the triplet:
15 hand-release push-ups
20 kettlebell swings (53/35)
25 jumping air squats
800-meter run
Yoga for CrossFitters with certified yoga instructor Ann Van Patten will be held from 9 to 10 a.m. New prices are effective immediately: For monthly unlimited members, the featured class is free. For 3 x week members (this tier includes students, couples and police/fire/military rates), cost is $5; for 2 x week members, cost is $10. Thank you for valuing this important mobility class!
David C. holds a special place in our hearts. He is one of our original members who’s stuck with us through the last year. Aside from his heart of gold, contagious sense of humor and steady encouragement, David is an awesome CrossFitter. He’s a strong runner and a good lifter who consistently shows solid times on the whiteboard. David is a swimming coach, too; and he’s instructed athletes that have gone on to win some impressive awards. We’re more than thankful to have this all-around athlete at our box; but more importantly, we’re thankful to call him our friend. Happy birthday, David! Now get to class for your burpees and/or weight vest!