Monday, April 29, 2013


On Saturday night, we had a small group of CFUMers get together to play board games. We quickly found that Courtney is a master artist. Here is her rendition of “CrossFit.” (Note the CFUM bull poster in background). “CrossFit,” a 3 x 5 mixed media illustration, will be auctioned to the highest bidder. Try to contain your excitement about this original piece. It will be available for a limited time only.

A. Buy in

For 7:00 in teams of two:

Partner A: Run 200 meters with wall ball (20/14)

Partner B: Handstand wall walks

Switching; score is total wall walks.

B. Barbell


8:00 EMOM

1 power snatch + 1 hang snatch (weight = last week’s heaviest set of hang snatches)

C. Metcon

For time:

60 double-unders

30 American kettlebell swings (70/53)

40 DUs

20 KBs

20 DUs

10 KBs