Wednesday, May 1, 2013


050113 WOD

A. Buy in

6:00 Tabata

Alternating freestanding handstand hold and jumping jacks

B. Barbell

Clean and jerk

EMOM 8:00

1 power clean + 1 hang full clean + 1 push jerk (weight should be based on heaviest hang clean set  from last week)

C. Metcon

Three rounds for time:

400-meter run

12 push press (95/65)

12 SDHP (same weight as above)



Today marks the final day of handstand skill work for April. We’ve seen some impressive PRs: Anna landed handstand walks; Kiera neared 3:00 in a handstand hold; and many others got inverted for the first time, including Juli and Leimomi. The handstand work had high carryover for core stability and jerk exercises. Great job on your consistent training.

For May, we are focusing on the skill of dips and pull-ups. We have new dip bars in, and we’re stoked to have you try them out. Remember to continue your daily journals on weights, times and exercises performed; that way you can dial in your training and chart your progress.

Last but not least, we’re psyched to announce a new mobility class in May. We’re doing a soft launch at 9 a.m. Thursdays, alternating with yoga. Yoga is this Thursday. Your first MOB WOD is slated May 9. More details coming soon.