Saturday, June 8, 2013


>> for helena’s bday, everyone was hapai.

Typically, we punish the birthday man or woman by forcing on a weight vest during the WOD. However, Helena has been sporting a built-in weight vest that she can’t take off for nine months. To share her pain,  9 a.m. class was charged with tucking a large balloon under the shirt, hapai style, and perform 28 burpees. Drop or pop it, and the burpees doubled. Some emerged as taking better care of the balloon than others — kind of like you Tamagochi egg caregivers. Who in the above photo looks most comfortable as an expecting mom? Post to comments.

060813 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Stretch

C. 1:00 ME at each station:

• Wall balls (20/14)

• Rowing (for calories)

• Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

• Sit-ups

• Supine rows

Complete three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total reps.