Friday, June 14, 2013
>> paparazzi are everywhere.
Scarlet (foreground) gets used to having a coach who doubles as the gym paparazzi. Welcome new CFUM members Scarlet (from front), Anna and Brooke! They move really well; we’re stoked to have them onboard.
061413 WOD
A. 4:00 alternating Tabata
(20 seconds on; 10 seconds off. Start with double-unders. Following round is v-ups. If athletes don’t have doubles, do double attempts. You can set clock to TABATA and it will start a continuously running Tabata timer).
B. Deadlift
One rep every 30 seconds for 10:00
For load, use 80% of final weight on 5/31/13 or 70-75% of your 1RM
C. Five rounds for time:
200-meter run
10 overhead squats (75/55)
10 push presses (using same barbell)
For those of you who helped judge during the CF Games Open, you realize how difficult that role can be. Adrian oversees all judging for CF HQ, which I would imagine to be a thankless job. Adrian, along with Jason Khalipa, taught my L1 certification at CrossFit Oahu years ago; he’s very intelligent, witty and down-to-earth. It’s cool that this is his official role. Look out for him during the upcoming CF Games coverage.