Saturday, June 22, 2013


>> lift big, surf big.

We’re stoked on all the hard work that our CrossFit athlete and big wave surfer Isaac Stant puts into his training on land and in the water. He just gained sponsor Honolua Surf Company, and Xcel Wetsuits, another of Isaac’s sponsors, recently put together a compilation from one of Isaac’s  videos (above). We’re proud of Isaac’s dedication to our box; he represents exactly what CrossFit is designed to do. The surfer has to prepare for life-threatening situations at Jaws and other spots, so CrossFit’s training for the unknown and unknowable is the perfect fit. Keep up all the great work, Kaiks!

062213 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Stretch

C. “Cindy”

AMRAP in 20:00

5 pull-ups

10 push-ups

15 air squats

Get ready to tackle Cindy, one of the most popular benchmark workouts. We will be watching for full range of motion on these bodyweight movements. There are open spots on the whiteboard for some new records, so hit this one hard!