Saturday, June 29, 2013

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Camille masters the local symbol, which is more “hang loose” and “automatik” than it is “shaka brah.” Note the expression and head tilt.

photo 1

As we send Dave and Camille off to Oahu to lead the L1 cert, we are inspired by their superior athleticism, but even more by their graciousness. The couple is kind and humble; they care about the everyday community members that make CrossFit so great. We will be cheering for Camille to win the 2013 Games. She truly deserves it. Mahalo for all of your wise words and a hui ho!

062913 WOD

unofficial members-only weightlifting meet: 8 to 10 a.m.


A. Warmup metcon

B. PVC, stretch

C. Warmup to starting weights

D. Lift

Three attempts at the snatch; three at the clean and jerk