Monday, July 1, 2013
Zack was among the CFUM lifters who came out Saturday. We saw some excellent technique and drive from all of you. We’re stoked on your personal records; this style of lifting is no joke! Results will be posted soon.
A. ME front plank hold
To running clock, find your ME plank hold, with some “incentive.” We will retest your plank at the end of this month.
Hold < 1:00 = 10 burpees
Hold < 2:00 = 5 burpees
Hold > 3:00 = 0 burpees
B. Back squat
3 x 5
Start at 50-60% of your 1RM or EST 1RM
C. “Running Jackie”
For time:
800-meter run
50 thrusters (45/35)
30 pull-ups
Go hard to get a time for the box records board!
>>> On-Ramp (OR)
600-meter run
30 thrusters (35/15)
20 ring rows
PROGRAMMING NOTE: For new members, we will be posting daily a modified workout, which is called the On-Ramp metcon. We advise that you follow this metcon for your first few weeks to allow your body transitional time.