Monday, June 3, 2013


Going to great and publicly shameful lengths to promote CFUM

060313 WOD

A. 4:00 Tabata HSPU

B. Snatch

Snatch first pull + full snatch

7 x 1 + 1

Snatch first pull; 3-second pause; reset; full snatch

C. Four rounds for time:

5 OHS (135/95)

15 burpee box jumps (24/20)

PROGRAMMING NOTE: June marks the final month of our three-month Olympic weightlifting series. We’ve seen some impressive gains in your clean and jerk and snatch, and many have already hit PRs. Continue to dial in technique, resisting the urge to lift heavy for heavy’s sake. Hitting the positions is everything — the speed and weight will come.

Also, this month we are focusing on handstand push-up and muscle-up progressions. Similar to the handstand holds of month one, and the pull-ups and dips of month two, you will see this work advance as we move through the weeks. Record lifts and modifications in your journal. Come ready to hit it hard when you get to class.

To celebrate your three months of progress — we’re holding an in-house weightlifting meet on the final Saturday of the month. We encourage all members to participate. More details to come. Get those knee sleeves and lifting shoes ready, June’s going to be an epic month!