Friday, August 2, 2013



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>> Pop quiz.

How many of these CrossFit and CrossFit-related celebrities do you know? If you don’t recognize some of them, you best find out. Keep up-to-date about the sport you train by visiting CrossFit mainsite frequently. Games coverage will be broadcast on ESPN2 this Sunday.

080213 WOD

A. ME double unders

Take 7:00 to work on double unders, finding your consecutive max effort. Record it in your journal; we will retest at the end of the month.

B. Clean and jerk

10:00 EMOM

Full clean + 2 front squats + 1 split jerk

C. For time:

10 power cleans (155/105)

1 burpee

9 power cleans

2 burpees

8 power cleans

3 burpees

7 power cleans

4 burpees

6 power cleans

5 burpees

5 power cleans

6 burpees

4 power cleans

7 burpees

3 power cleans

8 burpees

2 power cleans

9 burpees

1 power clean

10 burpees

PROGRAMMING NOTE: Our skill for the month of August is double-unders. Last month, we worked on core strength by testing and retesting the plank hold. We saw tons of PRs. One of the most impressive holds was Dale, who clocked in at more than 11:00, which is extremely impressive. Continue to work on your holds, as the core to extremity strength will benefit everything else we do.

Now, we are moving to double-unders. We are testing today to find your max effort, and we will retest at the end of the month. Get ready to see it come up frequently during your buy-ins. If you shy away from the movement, you’re going to have to face it now. It would be best to purchase your own rope through RX Jumpropes, Buddy Lee, Again Faster, Rogue or Muscle Driver. Cut it to your size and store it in your locker. Happy jumping!