Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2013
090413 WOD
A. Pull-up / dip – [ TESTING ]
1. Find ME strict pull-ups
2. Find ME strict dips >>
B. Push press
5 x 3
Build to a heavy set of three
C. In 3:00
Run 200 meters
10 ground to overhead (135/95)
ME sit-ups
Complete three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total sit-ups.
>> PROGRAMMING NOTE: For the month of September, we’re focusing on strict pull-ups and dips. Today, we will test your max efforts in each; at the end of the month, we will retest. Make sure to record your numbers today. If you miss class, make it up during open gym.
In July, we focused on plank holds. We saw major PRs — Dale clocked a 11:00 front plank and many others easily exceeded the 5-minute mark.
In August, we worked on double-unders. If you look back at the PR board, you’ll see that many of you increased your max. And others realized it’s just a matter of time before you get the hang of them.
Continue to train hard and log your progress. It’s important that you test and retest benchmark WODs and baseline strength / skill movements to show evidence of your hard work. Keep it up! Your training is paying off!